• June 13, 2017
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Experience a Colorful Cloud Show Tonight: NASA

Experience a Colorful Cloud Show Tonight: NASA
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NASA is putting on a show tonight and the residents of East Coast will get a chance to see the colorful clouds show. It has been considered a part of an experiment in tracking how particles travel in space. Researchers will release bright and color-changing vapors into the sky and the time is scheduled after 9 pm. The scientists at Wallops Flight Facility Virginia will launch a rocket with 10 small cylinders loaded with barium, cupric oxide and strontium onboard. Almost around 5 minutes after rocket launching, the cylinders will release and deploy to show their contents. It will be transformed into colorful clouds named “Vapor Tracers”. Those colorful clouds will enable scientists on the ground to track how particles travel in space.

Point to be noted that the Vapor Tracers will be visible to the East Coast residents including some areas in North Carolina and New York. Those colorful clouds will transform from blue to red colors. It is important that this experiment has been postponed 4 times for various reasons. Now, here is the chance for an obstacle-free evening for the researchers. The residents outside the mid-Atlantic coast will be able to watch a live-stream of this wonderful event at 8:30 pm Eastern Time. The launch window will be opened from 9:05 pm to 9:20 pm Eastern Time. Viewers will experience the Vapors appearing between 4 and 6 minutes after the launch.

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