Obviously, this is a true quotation, no matter whoever has expressed experience that “A gentleman should never ask a woman about her age and weight”. Hahahah… Cheryl Fernandez-Versini hits back at Simon Cowell, SimonCowell left a little bit of a stink in the air when he recently revealed that previous to him firing Cheryl Fernandez-Versini from X-factor USA, he felt thatshe had add on a much more weight.Chyryl, who is 31, said about concern of disagreement from the comments, which have been passed by the Cowell. The excited and crazy singer also insisted that a person with 54 could not say anything, which matches with the thinking. Speaking to the Yahoo Celebrity, the 31 years old chart stopper said, I have already heard about this rumor, and I and am fully convincned to say that a gentle man should never inquire about the women’s health, age, or any other related matter but it’s possible only for those who are well educated on how to treat a woman. This is so unlucky for him, and one who is listening to Simon Cowell nowadays. Does anybody! I don’t listen to him anymore.Moreover, this is very illogical to speak something wrong about the woman.
“A Gentleman Should Avoid Speaking About a Woman’s Age or Weight” Cheryl Cole