• December 10, 2015
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A Request of Christmas Cards for 8 Years Old Burn Safyre Terry on Facebook

A Request of Christmas Cards for 8 Years Old Burn Safyre Terry on Facebook
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Christmas event is always considered a time for distribution of wishes and happiness, but it can be a time for distribution of scams. Internet cheaters always attempt to get benefit from charity and free giving of the people during holiday seasons with a number of strategies. This is the reason why most of the people are asking about the accuracy of a request for Christmas cards for 8 years old burn sufferer with an agnostic eye named Safyre Terry. A Facebook user Kevin Clark initially posted this request on 4th December 2015 with adding a ‘Snapshot’. Most of the Facebook user that were doubtful regarding the request of Kevin Clark got worried when they experienced that account disappeared on 8th December 2015, but it was again became online after few hours.

Kevin Clark updated his Facebook page and said that ‘Last night Facebook closed my page for more than 6 hours. It is supposedly due to all the stuff was about Safyre and I was taking 50 friend requests per minute. I created a new page but my previous original page is online so I don’t need it. Now I have made a plan to meet Liz Terry-Dolder and Safyre’. Supposedly, the flooding activity on the page of Clark was because the Hulk Hogan suddenly involved in this project. It is important that famous wrestler Hulk Hogan shared the message of Clark on 8th December 2015 with his friends and fans. We also found that the activity on the page of Kevin Clark was not related to any fraud or cheating.

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