• June 3, 2016
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A Young Swedish Girl Kidnapped and Raped by Refugees

A Young Swedish Girl Kidnapped and Raped by Refugees
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A Facebook page “I am white” shared a reproduced meme on 28th May 2016. This meme included a photograph of a young golden-haired woman and a text. The caption added a status and claimed that the alleged incident happened in Sweden. Point to be noted that published photograph was not a crime victim and it was published on 5th November 2011 on “Flickr” including a caption asking for votes in a contest. The caption indicated that a 14 years old young Swedish girl was kidnapped and gang raped in the year 2015. The police department cursed the girl for alleged incident and three assaulters didn’t go to jail.

A large number of social media users tried to find the correctness of the claim, but they were unable to find any news link related to the material of this incident. We found that there was a story published in 2015 with similar to one of the meme that a 13 years old young girl found missing from her home in Berlin for at least one day. She was reappeared and said that she was kidnapped and raped by three men, and mentioned her escape. But, there was a tragedy with this story because after a few days the girl admitted during investigation that she didn’t rape or kidnapped. Most of the reports concluded that sexual assault issues are very complex in Sweden and it needs more specific approach for law enforcement agencies. It is also possible that the meme was showing creator’s fear of refugees in Europe.

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