• March 28, 2021
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Biden Administration has invited China and Russia to First Global Climate Talks

Biden Administration has invited China and Russia to First Global Climate Talks
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The Biden administration officials said President is including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Both leaders are among the invitees to the first big climate talks of his administration. The US is hopeful that the event will help shape, speed up, and deepen global efforts to cut climate-wrecking fossil fuel pollution. President Biden is looking to renew a US-convened forum of the world’s major economies on climate. Hosting the summit will fulfill a campaign pledge and executive order by Biden, and the administration is timing the event to coincide with its own upcoming announcement. It will be a much tougher US target for revamping the US economy to sharply cut emissions from coal, natural gas, and oil. The talk will test Biden’s pledge to make climate change a priority among competing political, economic, policy, and pandemic problems.

An administration official said the administration of President Biden intentionally looked beyond its international partners for the summit, reaching out to key leaders for what it said would sometimes be tough talks on climate matters. Point to be noted that former President Donald Trump mocked the science underlying urgent warnings on global warming. It resulted in the worsening of droughts, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. He also pulled the United States out of the 2015 UN Paris climate accords as one of his first actions. So, it makes next month’s summit the first major international climate discussion by a US leader in more than 4 years. However, leaders in Europe and elsewhere have kept up talks. The US officials and some others give the Obama administration’s major-economies climate discussions some of the credit for laying the groundwork for the Paris accord.

The United States and at least 200 other governments at those talks each set targets for cutting their fossil-fuel emissions and pledged to monitor and report their emissions. The officials said the US is still deciding how far the administration will go in setting a more ambitious US emissions target. The Biden administration hopes the stage provided by next month’s Earth Day climate summit planned to be all virtual because of COVID-19 and publicly viewable on Livestream. It will encourage other international leaders to use it as a platform to announce their own countries’ tougher emission targets or other commitments, ahead of November’s UN global climate talks in Glasgow. The administration hopeful the session will demonstrate a commitment to cutting emissions at home and encouraging the same abroad. It includes encouraging governments to get moving on specific and politically-bearable ways to retool their transportation and power sectors and overall economies to meet those tougher future targets.

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