- December 28, 2015
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California Governor Allowed the Usage of Hover-Board and Defined the Age Limit

The self-balancing two-wheel scooter known as hover-board has become the most attractive Christmas gift in 2015. A number of rumors started circulation on the internet especially on Twitter. A photograph is this post indicated a news report supposedly about ‘New Motorized Board Law’ and it rapidly started circulation on 26th December 2015 on the internet. Though we could not find the specific video but this photograph is approved as real and it is indicating the Bill No. 604 in the California Assembly. This Bill defines the term of Electrically Motorized Board. This Bill would prevent the usage of an electrically motorized board on a highway and also prohibit its operation after taking alcoholic beverage or any kind of drug.
This Bill restricted electrically motorized board operators to wear a helmet especially when its operator is going upon highway, bikeway, sidewalk, and trail or bicycle path. This bill also defines the age limit and its operator should be at least 16 years old, so less than 16 years are restricted not to operate an electrically motorized board. This bill also includes specific safety equipments prior to operate an electrically motorized boards and any kind of violation would be punishable. It is important that this bill would be imposed as a local program of the state. Point to be noted that Governor of California Jerry Brown signed a bill earlier in the month of October 2015 and the ‘Wall Street Journal’ also indicated that new amendment in the law of electric skateboards and hover-boards are now legal. The Governor of California has allowed its citizens the use of motorized wheeled devices and this bill will be effected from 1st January 2016.