• May 9, 2016
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Campaign of Hillary Clinton Paid to Destroy Sensitive Data

Campaign of Hillary Clinton Paid to Destroy Sensitive Data
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A website “the Washington Free Beacon” published an article on 3rd May 2016 supposedly titled “Clinton Campaign Made Payments to Hard Drive & Document Destruction Company. Another sub-title also added “Payments could have purchased destruction of eleven hard drives”. The article indicated that campaign of Hillary Clinton made payments in the months of February & March 2016 for estimated amount of 187 U.S dollars to a document destruction company “American Document Destruction, Inc.”. The article mentioned that the campaign of Hillary Clinton have allegedly spent a large amount of funds in order to discard hard disk drives. Those drives were supposedly had the material involved in the debates surrounding the private use of Hillary Clinton including information on home-based servers & accounts for official business during the time when she was serving as the U.S Secretary of State.

Point to be noted that the article of “Washington Free Beacon” didn’t offer any kind of evidence regarding the services provided by the American Document Destruction, Inc. to the campaign of Hillary Clinton and destruction of data from hard drives of her private servers during her service as the U.S Secretary of State. Another news outlet reported with a similar article that the campaign of Hillary Clinton paid at least 50 U.S dollars to a company “Shredco”, this company offers service for safe destruction of paper documents. It is important that former Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz also used same services during the same time period.

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