- November 10, 2016
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Canadian Immigration Website Crashed Due to Trump Elected as New U.S President

After the ending of U.S Presidential Election 2016 on 8th November 2016, most of the social media users claimed that immigration website of Canada had crashed due to the election results. A number of social media users informed us on 9th March 2016 that immigration website of Canada went down after the win of Donald Trump in the U.S primary elections. It is still unclear why the Canadian immigration website was crashed, but it is probably due to Americans are frightened and trying to leave the United States or maybe any other reasons. The website errors in March 2016 kept much longer than the beginning search stick.
The Canadian website was unreachable for specific visitors, but connectivity issues were not essentially linked with ungratified voters. The spokesperson for Canadian Citizenship & Immigration Lisa Fillips has confirmed that the department’s website went down due to a massive increase in the traffic volume, but she didn’t provide details about source of traffic. So, it has been confirmed that Citizenship & Immigration website of Canada went down for a specific amount of time on 8th and 9th November 2016. The main reason was behind this inaccessibility was due to potential mass migration plans. Similar reports were circulated in March 2016 during the U.S primary elections, but the main reason was the technical infrastructure of Canadian government.