• July 24, 2015
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Daisies Mutated Due to Radiation From Nuclear Plant

Daisies Mutated Due to Radiation From Nuclear Plant
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A photograph published by a Twitter user on 27th May 2015 showing a group of modified daisies flowers due to the radiation from Fukushima nuclear power plant. This picture of modified daisies flowers was taken from near the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant. Most of the internet users supposed that the modifications displayed in the picture (this picture is from Nasushiobra City) are due to the Fukushima power plant’s nuclear radiation. The Twitter user @San_kaido also added in the tweet that radiation level was calculated above the ground at 0.5 μ Sv/ h. This radiation level is considered not too high but it is minimum compared to the normal level and it is considered as safe for a long term tenancy.

It is also important that another group of daisies flowers found with modifications and its location is too far from power plant and its radiation. The showing picture was taken in the Dutch nature area De Groesplaat, in Notth Brabant in 2010. It is also expected that showing modifications in daisies flowers in the picture is simply due to the obsession not by the radiation. Most of the flowers affected by the obsessions can be measured by a number of common problems or modifications. Commonly, most of the flower stems grows flatter and wider, some also have more flower heads. There are multiple reasons behind the obsessions and there are many factors that should be the cause a plant to become fascinated. A number of people grow prize winning flowers by enhancing the look of their plants.

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