- May 29, 2019
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First public appearance of Robert Mueller after 2-years investigation

The FBI special counsel Robert Mueller delivered his words regarding his investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election 2016. He said Donald Trump couldn’t be charged over the guidelines of the Justice Department against a sitting president. He focused most of his statement on Russia’s sweeping interference operations. He said, “There were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American”. Mueller rejected to vindicate the president since he didn’t have enough evidence to clear him of a crime. The special counsel delivered his words on Wednesday and marked his first statement made directly to the public since the beginning of his 2-years investigation.
Mueller made clear he believed he was controlled from indicting a sitting president. It was an action but not an option due to a legal opinion from Justice Department. He didn’t use the word impeachment but said it was a job of U.S Congress to hold the president accountable for any wrongdoing. He said, “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime”. The statement of special counsel mainly echoed the major points of his 448-page report released last month with some redaction.
Robert Mueller’s remarks were just under 10 minutes long and delivered from a Justice Department podium. He had never discussed before or characterized his findings and had stayed mute during past 2-years of feverish public speculation. Mueller said his work was complete and he was resigning to return to private life. He wore a black suit, crisp white shirt and blue tie for his rare appearance. He was walking briskly onto the stage gripping a folder containing prepared remarks. Mueller’s refusal to reach a conclusion on criminal obstruction opened the door for William Barr to clear the president. Trump has cited the attorney general’s finding as proof of his innocence.