• December 2, 2014
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First Reported Drone Traffic Incident

First Reported Drone Traffic Incident
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There is always pros and cons of a commodity for its use, either positive or negative. Similarly, UAVs are not permitted to fly beyond 400 feet and within five mile radius from airports, these vehicles could cause damage and cause disaster if they smash a plane’s windshield or get sucked into its engine. Unfortunately, some drone operators don’t follow protocol and these drones have increased in its numbers since last June. According to a document that the FAA has just released, Air traffic controllers and Pilots have reported 175 incidents, in which drones were seen in the restricted areas since mid 2014. in these incidents, 25 drones collided with the planes or Helicopter. Similarly, a four foot UAV was seen flying close to the US airways on July 29th.Drone Similarly, on November 19th, another was seen flying straight at rescue helicopter while it was started to descend at 2400 feet, and at the point there was no choice but to turn sharply to avoid it. There are merely two of the many reports in the FAA’s list, released by the New York Times after the various requests by the various media outlets. The agency is mapping out on a complete set of rules to bring the drones safely into the country’s air traffic.

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