• March 5, 2015
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Google Wireless Service Can Change the Internet: Android VP

Google Wireless Service Can Change the Internet: Android VP
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It has been reported that the Google is brining out a new wireless service which would be managing things on smaller Verizons and the AT & Ts of the world, this would be opening new ways for the public to make call, exchange SMS and check their online accounts through their mobile phones. How ever the allusions are big.

It was reported by Google on Monday that very soon we would start the experimentation of the project, it would show the different things how to use them __ and it is not an easy option. When looking at the other options available by the Google, something larger is all set to bring about a better system of handling things in a better way over the internet.

With the passage of time, the handling and management of the company would grow and the wireless handling of things would also go up, it has been seen that what the things show is based on the high-speed- landline service which was used previously over the internet over the Google Fiber. The exposure of the Google experiment will show everything that comes up – it will show how the market would put up with other things. the trend of the market is already the same due to the different mobile companies including the T-Mobile, mobile chipmaker Qualcomm, and the serial Silicon Valley inventor Steve Perlman, which is going to be more available by the name of pCell.

Google says that at present, the management and the hope that the phones are a good option which shows the connection that we have between the different networks and the connection that exists with the Wi-Fi also by giving out calls by the other two. Other options like the T-Mobile and the Qualcomm are managing things on the same bases. Taking a look at the things shown by the Android system and the internet clout shown lately by Google are the things that can be put in the right way. it is possible that the company would be able to bring forward the different markets that include the connections which do not have the different cellular or wi-fi systems that help in updating the cell phone systems in a better way.

According to Richard Doherty who is the director if a technology based company called the Envisioneering, these people is good to show the change that is happening with the world of the mobile network __ it has pointed out that the options available for the carrying of the clout is good for the betterment of the public in every way. he also said that the carriers wont be a good option if we would be look alikes of Google in any way. he asks a question; “Do they really want all this happening on Google, when they’re not getting a penny?”

‘In the recent future’

It was reported on Monday that the basic Mobile World Congress in Spain, Barcelona would help the Google to use the basic system of handling the wireless transporter in the near future, this things confirmed the idea basing on the early reports to give up the plans regarding the wireless plans related to the users of smart phones. He also made a clear statement that their company in no way is in competition with any other transporter company.

He also said that “ carriers in the US are what powers most of our Android phones,” this was stated in reference to the people who claimed that the smartphones set up by Google an dteh Android system would by a better way of using the apps. “That model works really well for us.”

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