- January 25, 2017
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Governor of Mississippi Called for Federal Disaster Relief from Trump

At least 20 deaths have been reported due to a swarm of more than 35 tornadoes destroyed a massive amount of area in the southern United States between 21st and 23rd January 2017. The Weather Channel also indicated that at least 34 tornadoes have been confirmed by National Weather Service damage surveys, dual-polarization radar and various reports from spotters in 6 southern states from Louisiana to Florida to South Carolina. The Albany in Georgia and Hattiesburg in Mississippi were badly affected due to those disastrous elements. The Governor of Mississippi, Phil Bryant informed to NBC News that at least 1 thousand homes have been damaged in Hattiesburg and surrounding Forrest County, in which at least 239 homes were completely destroyed. The small town of Adel in Georgia reported at least 7 causalities during the full destruction of a complete mobile home park.
The mayor of Adel issued a statement on Monday and said “if you were to see it today, it was like a war zone”. The Governor of Mississippi Phil Bryant and local leaders from Georgia and Mississippi have asked for support and assistance from the U.S President Donald Trump. It is important that major disaster declarations are normally issued in the wake of or during some large size tornado swarms. Point to be noted that swarm of tornadoes reported in Oklahoma during the 18th May to 2nd June 2013. The entire town Moore in Oklahoma was destroyed by a massive F5 swarm and a declaration was made on 20th May 2013, just after the two days of swarm began. But, after the disastrous incidents on 24th January 2017, any kind of declaration hasn’t yet issued for Georgia or Mississippi.