• September 22, 2014
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Hong Kong Business Tycoon Places the Biggest Order for Rolls-Royce Phantoms Purchase

Hong Kong Business Tycoon Places the Biggest Order for Rolls-Royce Phantoms Purchase
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Stephen Hung, who is a Hong Kong tycoon has done a final deal of £12m for 12 Rolls-Royce Phantoms, including two of the most expensive ever commissioned, to ferry hotel guests. This is the history’s biggest order ever for Rolls-Royce cars, and this also include the purchase of 30 Phantoms of Chauffeur guests at a luxury resort  he is building in Macau.Hong Kong TycoonStephen Hung’s $20 million surpasses the 14 Phantoms bought by Hong Kong’s Peninsula hotel in 2006, and the new deal is the biggest deal to buy the cars. Hung signed a deal with the Rolls Royce executives on Tuesday at the company’s good wood factory in England. Rolls Royce said, two of the cars would be the most expensive cars on commissioned, compete with gold plated accents on both the exterior and interior.Rolls Rayce PhantomsLouis XIII holdings said it would pay the car maker a $2m deposit, $3 m by the end of the year, and $15 million, when the cars are delivered in the first of 2016. Hung, who is a former investment banker, is known for his style wearing and this personality has been also known for the resorts buying and selling. Hung has even enlisted a descendent of Louis XIII to help hotel’s design.

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