- June 16, 2016
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How is it Possible That a Single Gunman Killed 50 People?
Rumors often start circulation after every unique incident and mass shooting incident. Some speculators also involve indicating the fake shooting incidents. Some conspiracy theorists mention it as “false flag” sign regarding the aim to take away the American guns. A Facebook page “RAW Conservative” has been considered one of the initial websites riding on the theories debates after the incident of Orlando Nightclub shooting in the month of June 2016. The post mentioned that it was not physically possible that only a single gunman opened fire and killed too many people in a short amount of time. Most debates described that it could be more disastrous by the involvement of more than one gunman.
The initial reports indicated that the gunman Omar Mateen didn’t hold an AR-15. He brought a (.223) SIG Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle, supposedly a 9mm Glock semi-automatic model handgun with him inside the Orlando Nightclub in Florida. The SIG Sauer MCX rifle had a spare magazine with it having at least 30 rounds. It is important this weapon has been legalized in Florida and it is very easy to buy online. Point to be noted Mateen didn’t use any weapon capable to fire at least 1000 rounds in category ammunition of .223. Police collected just 202 rounds from the incident not in thousands. Point to be noted that Omar Mateen was not engaged in a gunfight with 9 police officers because they responded on the incident after a significant amount of time.