• July 30, 2019
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Human Rights Watch criticized Andrew Bremberg over his Extreme Views on Women’s Rights

Human Rights Watch criticized Andrew Bremberg over his Extreme Views on Women’s Rights
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The U.S President Donald Trump’s controversial nominee for the U.S representative to the United Nations office in Geneva has been intensely criticized by human rights groups for his extreme views on women’s rights. Andrew Bremberg said the victims of rape and sexual violence should not be allowed to terminate their pregnancies. He has promised to vote against any UN resolution outlining fundamental rights for survivors of sexual violence if they include abortion. Human Rights Watch has called for the US Senate to reject the nomination of Bremberg as the U.S ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. The group said his views on women’s rights are at birdbrains with international human rights law.

The organization joined 38 other groups in a letter persuading members of the U.S Senate Foreign Relations Committee to reject Bremberg’s nomination. It is noteworthy that his nomination was scheduled to vote last week but has now been rescheduled for coming Wednesday. Bremberg serves as assistant to Trump and is the director of the Domestic Policy Council for the White House. The campaigners have warned and demonstrated during his confirmation hearing in a written response. They have indicated that he will not uphold women’s sexual and reproductive rights. The acting women’s rights co-director at Human Rights Watch, Amanda Klasing said Bremberg has made clear that he doesn’t support reproductive rights even in instances of rape when a pregnancy can be especially traumatic.

Klasing said, “The senate should not send to the United Nations someone holding the dangerous view that women’s rights can be slashed away from fundamental human rights”. She added, “Americans are entitled to expect that their top representatives to the United Nations will engage constructively, uphold international law, and be a voice for all Americans. Andrew Bremberg’s stated positions indicate that he will be none of those things”. It is important that the U.S representative to the UN in Geneva is responsible for representing America on over 20 UN agencies, including the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.

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