- April 17, 2018
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Love Judge Kimba Wood is hearing the case of Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen
The judge Kimba Wood is hearing the legal dispute between the lawyer of President Trump and U.S federal investigators. She has a brilliant legal mind and served in Manhattan Federal Court since 1988. She was also nominated for the post of the U.S Attorney General. Her love affair with Hugh Hefner’s bunny biz lessens in contrast to an overage affair she allegedly had in the 1990s and labeled as Love Judge in 1995. It was the time when the ex-wife of Frank Richardson (a multimillionaire Wall Street financier) found his diary filled with an obsessive story regarding his encounters with the judge. Richardson discussed the time he spent with Wood and described her as very intelligent, a complete brilliant woman having the ability in giving love freely and wonderfully.
Legal eagles have also praised Wood, who graduated from Harvard Law School and earned a master’s degree from the London School of Economics. While a student in England, she worked for a week at a Playboy casino, training as a croupier. But she quit because she thought the gig was silly. Even before the affair, Wood has made headlines as a tough judge presiding over cases involving high-profile defendants, including “Junk Bond King” Michael Milken. In 1993 President Bill Clinton nominated her to become the first female Attorney General. But she withdrew from the nomination after the White House learned she had hired an undocumented immigrant as a babysitter. Wood, who was Clinton’s second choice for AG post, didn’t break the law employing the nanny and in fact, paid the woman’s taxes. But the White House asked her to withdraw because her situation was similar to Clinton’s first AG nomination, Zoe Baird.