• June 23, 2016
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“Make America White Again” Billboard Installed for a Political Campaign

“Make America White Again” Billboard Installed for a Political Campaign
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A photograph circulated on social media websites on 22nd June 2016 supposedly showing a billboard with the phrase “Make America White Again”. The photograph was published by a number of authentic news outlets and most of the viewers were doubtful that it was generated by rumors or someone is working for Congress and circulating this slogan. WSMV indicated that the phrase on billboard “Make America White Again” was installed for display on the Highway 411 in Polk County, Tennessee by an independent Rick Tyler. He is supporter of Chuck Fleischmann for the seat of Congress. Tyler also confirmed to a news station that he was behind the installment and display of billboard. But, he denied that he hatred for people because of color.

He further declared that the billboard is conveying a message that America should go back in the age of 1960s. Point to be noted that huge amount of immigration took place in 1960s at the time when quota system was destroyed by the U.S President Lyndon Johnson. Tyler also offered more reasons regarding the phrase on the billboard on his website in a blog post. It is important that the billboard of “Make America White Again” was taken down quickly and the Chairman of Tennessee Republican Party Ryan Hynes issued a press statement regarding the billboard and said that Rick Tyler will put up a new billboard on Highway 411 in Polk County for Congress campaign. He said that there is not any place for this kind of hateful phrase in our political environment. Racism is not acceptable in any form in the third congressional district and in the country.

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