• June 21, 2017
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New York will Review Voting infrastructure to prevent Hacking: Cuomo

New York will Review Voting infrastructure to prevent Hacking: Cuomo
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Between the enhancing investigations regarding the Russian penetration in the U.S Presidential election, New York is looking to take initiative in checking whether anybody interfered with their voting machines. The New York Governor Cuomo has assigned task to the Cyber Security Advisory Board of the State for both investigate conceivable penetrations and review the entire voting infrastructure of the State to find out weak points that might be helpful for hackers in the expected cyber attacks in the future. The press release of the Governor highlights that there weren’t any convincing report of electoral system disturbances to date in the State of New York. It is still not clear whether the state experienced one of the 39 cyber attacks from hackers in the previous year.

The Cyber Security Advisory Board will work with the DMV and IT office of the State in order to proactively prevent any kind of future attempts to penetrate into election systems across the New York State. The State and County Boards of Elections will find out weaknesses in cyber-security and forward report in 90 days to the Governor of New York. It will be the first U.S State in taking such practical measures. The U.S intelligence community is continuously pointing at the Russian operated penetration in the U.S Presidential election 2016, but they don’t need to make information available to the public. Some documents were leaked two weeks ago by The Intercept. The documents have indicated that Russian hackers specifically targeted vendors selling voting software for local machines.

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