• June 25, 2020
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President Trump tagged US Democrats as Toughest Nation to Deal

President Trump tagged US Democrats as Toughest Nation to Deal
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On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump received a big cheer from shipyard workers in Wisconsin when he charged Democrats with being harder to work with than China, Russia, and North Korea. President said the opposition party is more unreasonable than any of those strongmen-run states. He delivered his words during a day-long campaign visit to the key swing state he narrowly won four years ago. He informed the crowd and said, “So which is the toughest nation to deal with? Is it China? Is it possibly Russia? Or is it maybe North Korea? I said, No, the toughest nation to deal with are the Democrats in the USA”. President Trump then appeared to defend strongmen like Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong-un in North Korea.

Trump said, “The Democrats in the USA are much tougher to deal with than any of these people that we deal with. They’re far more unreasonable and actually they are a little crazy”. The lines got several big cheers from the shipyard crowd. President Trump was in the state to tape a town hall in Green Bay with Fox News that will air at 9 pm ET, and to tour a shipyard in nearby Marienette. He also visited and spoke at the Fincantieri Marinette Marine facility. The facility won the first part of a $5bn US Navy contract to start building as many as 10 missile frigate ships.

President Trump’s speech about the ships and workers there resembled his usual campaign rally message as he talked about the pre-coronavirus US economy and bounced from topic to topic. The Marinette-based company says it will eventually hire 1,000 more workers. The White House took the president into a COVID-heavy zone with the Wisconsin visit. State Health Department has confirmed that Brown County, including Green Bay, has a High coronavirus activity level. White House officials said all precautions to adhere to Arizona policies were used during his Tuesday visit, and that they would do the same in Wisconsin.

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