• April 20, 2020
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President Trump’s COVID-19 response satisfied 58% Americans

President Trump’s COVID-19 response satisfied 58% Americans
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On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal and NBC News conducted a new national survey. The report concluded most American people are concerned that the U.S government should quickly reopen the US economy and provide ease in coronavirus restrictions. The survey indicates 58% of respondents have shown their concern that the government should ease quickly in stay-at-home and shelter-in-place guidance.  Point to be noted that only 32% of respondents have shown their concern that the US economy shouldn’t be reopened too quickly. Moreover, most Americans involved in the survey said they don’t trust President Donald Trump for his statements about coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic.

It is noteworthy that the survey report also said 52% of Americans have shown their mistrust on the US President, whereas only 36% consider Donald Trump was honest and dependable during the widespread coronavirus. But, 52% of respondents have criticized Trump administration over COVID-19 response. At least 44% of respondents have admired the actions of President Trump. These numbers seemed close to the survey conducted in the month of March 2020, as 45% of respondents endorsed Trump and 51% didn’t show their trust. Peter Hart conducted the survey and informed NBC News and said, “Trump has experienced some hard sledding ahead in the recrimination phase”. The recent poll results came during the federal government and states have started planning about reopening the US economy safely.

Moreover, the demonstrators gathered in the capitals of various states across the United States to protest against stay-at-home orders. They were also calling to reopen the country to start the US economic wheel. President Trump has shown his support for these protests, in spite of demonstrators disregarding the guidelines forwarded by the Coronavirus Task Force of White House. It is important that the White House guidelines call for avoiding public gatherings of more than 10 people within the first phase of reopening. Non-essential travel should be minimized and vulnerable individuals should continue to isolate themselves. At least 40,000 people have died and more than 770,000 confirmed cases recorded in the United States on Monday morning.

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