• October 8, 2015
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Republicans Have Weaker Grammar Skills Than Democrats: Study Reveals

Republicans Have Weaker Grammar Skills Than Democrats: Study Reveals
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A website ‘Grammarly’ published a blog post on 6th October 2015 with a title “Presidential Discussion Grammar Power Rankings”. They interpreted the Facebook pages of Presidential candidates in order to analyze which candidate has the best supporters having most perfect writing capabilities. This blog post is considered as similar to the article posted on 6th October 2015 by a website ‘USA Today’ indicating that, ‘Democrats crushing the Republicans in Grammar and Chafee is on the top’. The website ‘Grammarly’ is originally a grammar-checking site and it examined a small piece of sample of a Facebook page’s comments and declared it as a Republican supporter and indicated a higher ratio in grammatical mistakes the supporters of Donald Trump.

The website ‘Grammarly’ indicated it as their study based search and didn’t declare it a concept of interrelationship between political alliance and intelligence agency. The website indicated that we started analyzing by getting a large piece of sample from Facebook’s comment segment, and we collected more than fifteen words form official site of the candidate. This process took place between April and August 2015. We grammatically analyzed and found a large number of errors in the comments segment. The main objective of our this study based project was only checking general mistakes like wrong or missing punctuation, missing words, verb order and spelling mistakes. It was just a small study based project in which 180 samples for each candidate were used to analyze.

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