• October 22, 2015
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Review Site Yelp Files $10 Million Lawsuit Against South Park Comedy Show

Review Site Yelp Files $10 Million Lawsuit Against South Park Comedy Show
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A website ‘News Examiner’ published an article on 21st October 2015 indicating that an online review website ‘Yelp’ has filed an accusation of 10 million U.S dollars against Central television Comedy show series ‘South Park’ for spoofing Yelp in one of their episode. In the month of October 2015, Yelp Inc. submitted an accusation of 10 million U.S dollars against the Central Comedy television series maker of ‘South Park’. Yelp identified in their accusation that Yelp has experienced damages due to the latest episode of a comedy series ‘South Park’ because it mocked the review of customers of local business rating website. The spokesman of Yelp Paul Horner informed to NBC News regarding details of this lawsuit.

Horner added that our company has millions of users that are considering Yelp most critically. The episode of South Park had a bad taste and it was not funny in this regard. This episode indicated that our reporters or authorities are out there and they are trying to get food for free and using small-minded insults on little Mexican children and it is more foolish activity. We believe that our court in America would satisfy with our submitted accusation and it would be in our favor. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are the creators of this popular animated comedy series. The lawyers of Yelp have delivered some legal documents to them unethically. But, we have found that there is not any truth in the story that Yelp has planned to sue South Park comedy series.

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