• May 26, 2017
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Saudi Women have got more freedom by the order of Saudi Arabian King Salman

Saudi Women have got more freedom by the order of Saudi Arabian King Salman
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The Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz reportedly issued an order in the month of April 2017. This order allows much greater freedom for women in Saudi Kingdom. Local media reported that now Saudi women will be allowed to access healthcare and education services from governmental agencies without getting permission from a male or backing guardian. Moreover, the ruling will not be applied in the areas where “there is a regulatory commitment for this request. It means that companies already have regulations essential of approval from a male relative will not be affected. The guardianship system of the country grants in getting permission from a father, brother, husband or son of a woman if she show her interest to apply a passport, rent an apartment, study internationally or marry.

Point to be noted that women are also restricted for driving by law. The Human Rights Watch (a civil rights advocacy group) said in an online post that they reviewed the 2-page order. It provides a 3-month period to government agencies during the time, they should compile a list of services require essential male approval. The director of Human Rights Watch Middle East Sarah Leah Whitson said that Saudi Arabia has a wonderful opportunity to remove all suggestions of the guardianship system. The Saudi King Salman has ordered to immediately eliminate entire guardian requirements and it will be implemented for 3 months time period. A spokesperson for the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Maha Akeel pointed out that providing an ease in guardianship rules would allow women more options to become an employee.

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