• April 20, 2016
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The Name of Czech Republic to be Transformed into “Czechia”

The Name of Czech Republic to be Transformed into “Czechia”
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The name of Czech Republic is getting a transformation as it is going to restyling itself. This attempt created confusion and discussion predominantly in the country. This step should not create any kind of specific controversy because some other countries made it without issuance of any kind of shocking statements such as Russia, U.S and France. The new name “Czechia” was suggested and delivered it to the cabinet for final approval. It is expected that new name will be approved as quick as possible and without participation of public. The new suggested name is considered not a new name, but it will provide a short name for the country.

The new name “Czechia” is taken from English version of Česko and it was being used since 1993 at the time when it was transformed from Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic. It was assumed that new name “Czechia” will be friendlier, such as for sports team shirts than using “The Czech Republic”. This step has generated a number of discussions and debates in the country that “what is specific in this name”. The Foreign Minister of The Czech Republic Lubomir Zaoralek will submit a detailed report about the history regarding the proposal to transform the name of “The Czech Republic” into “Czechia” for the official use in the country. Point to be noted that for the introduction “The Czech Republic-Land of Stories since 2012” and the logo, at least 1.1 billion crown were spent during 2013-2015. The Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Belobradek also supported the new suggested name.

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