- January 28, 2022
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Top 10 Tips for Good Dental Routine From Dental Hygienist
Have you ever felt that you’re not getting the best result from daily dental care? Is there any problem with material (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc.)? or is this because of the wrong technique? As the professionals said, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing is the most important part of your daily dental routine. But why does someone get a better result with the exact amount of effort? We gathered the best tips and tricks to keep your dental hygiene in excellent condition. Read the rest of this article to learn some cheat code for having a bright and shiny smile.
Choose the Right Toothbrush :
Nowadays, you have so many options whenever it comes to buying a toothbrush. There are so many shapes, colours, bristle or handle types of toothbrushes that can help you clean your teeth regularly. It is very important to choose a suitable toothbrush that is completely matched with your tooth characterize and dental condition.
We recommend if you have normal teeth without sensitivity, select a toothbrush with a soft bristle and normal head (medium size), the rest of it includes shape colour and features depending on you.
Please don’t pick the hard bristles with the assumption that hard bristles are better for cleaning your teeth. Some of the hard bristles can easily damage your gums and enamel but the soft brushes are completely safe and comfortable.
Also, the head size of the toothbrush is very important, it should be small enough to clean around each tooth especially, molars teeth. Most adults confirmed that half to one inch is the best size for a toothbrush head.
Flossing is the Important Part :
Brushing your teeth just clean about 70 per cent of your tooth surface. The remaining part is the surface between teeth which is the main reason for the cavity. You can only reach this surface by flossing regularly, using dental waterjets or interdental brushes. The easy way to remember to floss is by setting a daily alarm or multi taking. It means it would be better if you engage your flossing with another activity like watching TV or in front of the mirror when applying the facemask. Attaching the habit with a good exiting habit is one of the powerful tricks to make flossing a routine.
Drinking water is the key :
This part the easiest, cheapest and most accessible tips and tricks to have healthy teeth. Your skin, hair and teeth always need to be hydrated and the only thing that can save you from dehydration is water! Nothing else. So please monitor your daily amount of water drinking. We recommend trying drinking sips of water after drinking tea, coffee, wine, beverage or sodas to prevent teeth stains. This helps you to flush sugar and acid that can cause tooth cavities and harm the teeth structures.
Chewing sugarless gum can help your teeth :
The Teeth cavity happens because of the living bacteria in your teeth. Bacteria need a warm and dark environment to live with lots of nutrients. The nutrients are under your gum! Tooth roots are the main goal of bacteria. To defeat them, you can use a sugar substitute named Xylitol which can prevent tooth decay. It can attract bad bacteria to itself and bind them to the sugar that seems like fuel for bacteria but it’s gum! It’s not a fuel, it’s a knife for killing bacteria.
Increase the Calcium in your body :
You probably knew that calcium can help your body to build bones and teeth and make them stronger as it was. Ageing and decreasing the level of calcium in your body can affect your teeth and make them weaker and more sensitive. To prevent these issues, increasing the daily dose of calcium would be helpful. If you have any dietary restrictions to using dairy products, you can use a calcium supplement.
Also if you’re lactose intolerant or a vegan, you can find calcium in other substitute products like soy, rice and oat drinks.
Limit your coffee intake :
Coffee and tea can really stain your teeth. Coffee also makes your mouth area acidic. The acid in your saliva can increase the chance of enamel damage and after that tooth cavity. Cutting off the coffee drinking in your daily life is a good idea but it is not always possible. So many people start their daily life with a cup of coffee. If you can’t cut off the coffee, at least you can intake down to one cup of coffee per day. In this condition, you shouldn’t be worried about stains or cavities.
Don’t forget to brush Your Tongue :
Whenever you brush your teeth, start to brush your tongue gently to destroy bacteria that cause bad breath. Be careful it seems so easy but your tongue is ticklish! It makes you laugh to brush your tongue. As we said before whenever you washed your teeth it would be best if you do it with your tongue, which means cleaning your tongue twice a day is very helpful.
Fluoride is the magic potion for teeth :
Your teeth and enamel need fluoride to stay fresh and healthy. Fluoride increases the resistance of acid attacks in your mouth during sleep or whenever plaque cause acid attacks. Please consider that your fluoride mouth rinse consists of antimicrobial or anti-gingivitis. Using fluoride mouth rinse regularly can help to reduce bacteria in your mouth that can tooth decay and gum diseases.
If you are interested in using fluoride mouth rinse in your daily life, next time you have an appointment with London based dental hygienist to recommend a product that is completely suitable for your dental health. It is also very good for maintaining oral health between dental sessions.
It is also good to keep in mind that fluoride mouth rinse is not suitable for kids under 6 years old because there’s a slight chance of swallowing by accident. If it happens contact us, we help you to prevent any further problems for your child. Always spit out the fluoride!