- February 24, 2019
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Trump nominated Kelly Craft as U.S Ambassador to the UN
The U.S diplomat Kelly Craft put forward to serve as the country’s next ambassador to the United Nations. Craft said she respects both sides of climate change science. The remarks made by the U.S ambassador to Canada have been widely ridiculed following Donald Trump’s decision to nominate her for the UN role. She informed the CBS (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) in a 2017 interview.
Craft said, “I believe there are scientists on both sides that are accurate. I think both sides have their own results from their studies, and I appreciate and I respect both sides of the science”. She also said that framing the scientific consensus on global warming as a debate in which deniers have equal credibility. Craft’s husband, Joe Craft is the billionaire president of one of the largest coal producers in the United States. He was also a leading critic of the climate change policies imposed by Barack Obama when he was in the White House.
Trump said on Friday in a pair of tweets that Craft has done an outstanding job and he has no doubt that, under her leadership, our Country will be represented at the highest level. It is noteworthy that the president has his own history of denying the science on anthropogenic climate change. Trump once claimed the phenomenon was a Chinese hoax intended to hurt American exports. He has also repeatedly confused seasonal weather with climate change.
President tweeted last month that the snow-hit U.S could do with a little of that good old fashioned Global Warning right now. The president informed CBS’s 60 Minutes in October that he thought the climate might be changing, the climate “could very well go back”. Trump’s and Craft’s views are at odds with the White House’s own National Climate Assessment, which accepts the role human-made emissions play in climate change. The diplomat has yet to be confirmed in the UN role by the U.S Senate.