- September 17, 2019
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Trump repeated his support for Brett Kavanaugh at a Rally

The U.S President Donald Trump was interrupted by protesters at a rally during which he criticized his opponents. He discussed his plans to build a border wall and repeated his support for Brett Kavanaugh( the Supreme Court justice) who has been alleged of sexual harassment. Trump went on to describe Brett Kavanaugh as a Great Talent, A Great Brilliant Man”. He didn’t say why he believes the judge is innocent. Fresh allegations regarding Kavanaugh’s conduct while a student at Yale University emerged only last week. Trump then used the rally to attack The New York Times, also known as the Grey Lady, which published the allegations. Trump said, “They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation. She can never recover and will never return to greatness under current management”.
Trump was taunted twice during the speech. The first interruption came just after the rally started. Trump’s supporters decried the protester and the president used the disruption to attack the media. He said, “Goodnight to that person. Tomorrow the media will say Massive Protests! One person just going home to Mommy a little bit sooner”. The president also claimed during his speech that human traffickers were bringing women across the southern border and that his wall would stop them. He said, “They traffic, really, for the most part in women. They capture women and they bring them across the open borders”.
Trump said they don’t go through ports of entry. It is noteworthy that the International Organization for Migration reported at least 80% of trafficking victims cross into countries through legal ports of entry. Trump also became irritated as he swatted away a fly and then turned the interruption into an attack on lawmakers. He joked, “That’s a nasty fly. I don’t like those suckers! I don’t know about you in New Mexico but I’m not into flies or mosquitoes. I don’t like snakes too much we have plenty of them in New York and Washington, a different variety. We got a lot of snakes in Washington DC, we got a lot of snakes in New York”!