• July 18, 2019
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Trump Steps Up Racist Attack on Ilhan Omar as his supporters chant Send Her Back

Trump Steps Up Racist Attack on Ilhan Omar as his supporters chant Send Her Back
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On Wednesday night, the U.S President Donald Trump again used racist tropes in a renewed attack on 4 Democratic congresswomen at a campaign rally. It leads his supporters to chant “Send her back! Send her back!” in reference to the U.S citizen Ilhan Omar. The U.S President used the North Carolina rally to resume his row with the self-styled “squad” of congresswomen that also includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It was started when he tweeted that the four should “go back” to their home countries. All four are people of color and U.S citizens. It is important that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Talib were born in the United States, while Ilhan Omar came to the U.S as a refugee from Somalia at 12-years of age.

Trump said while referring to the women, “Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down. They never have anything good to say. That’s why I say, ‘Hey if you don’t like it, let ‘em leave, let ‘em leave’”. Omar came under the harshest criticism as Trump played to voters’ grievances, drawing the sustained “send her back” chant. Trump said he has no regrets about his ongoing row with the four before he left Washington. The U.S President informed reporters he was winning the political argument and winning it by a lot. Trump added, “If people want to leave our country, they can. If they don’t want to love our country, if they don’t want to fight for our country, they can leave. I’ll never change on that”.

It is noteworthy that Trump’s speech was filled with criticisms of the news media. Robert Mueller also talked about illegal immigration, the main theme of his first presidential bid that is taking center stage in his re-election campaign. The U.S President brushed off the criticism he has got for saying that the congresswomen should go back home. The four politicians say they are fighting for their priorities to lower health care costs and pass a Bill addressing climate change. On Tuesday, the Democratic-led House of Representatives voted to condemn Trump for his racist comments on Twitter.

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