- December 15, 2022
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What is a Probation Period and Why are They So Important?

Perhaps the person is very different from how they appeared in the interview. Maybe they claimed to have more experience and skills than is the case.
They need to be more capable and suitable for the job. This is especially important if your small business needs everyone to work together.
What’s a Probation Period?
A probation extension letter period is at the beginning of employment. An employee can be fired without notice or with very little information if they are unsuitable for the job.
Including probation periods, usually three months long, is very common in any employment contract.
- This guide will cover.
- Why are probation periods important.
- What does the law say about probation periods.
- How do you implement a probationary period.
- The exemplary clause with probation for employment contracts.
- Management of probation employees.
- Employee rights in the probation period.
- Notification during probation.
- Meetings for a probation review.
- Extension of the probation period.
Why is the Probationary Time Necessary?
Employers need probation periods to make sure they have made the right hiring decision. They can also be used to quickly take action if they feel that a new hire is not suitable for the job.
This allows you to replace someone quickly and reduces the cost of continuing to hire someone unsuitable for your job.
- Probation and UK Employment Law.
- Employment laws don’t cover probation periods.
- It will be binding if the probation period is included in your employment contract.
Remember to adhere to the Equality Act 2010, even while on probation, to ensure that reasons for dismissal are not discriminatory.
You will need to have documentation that proves your reasons for dismissal are not discriminatory, just like any dismissal.
Implementing a Probationary Period
There are no legal requirements regarding probation periods. However, if you choose to employ them, you can. You must include a clause in your employment contracts that defines your probation periods. This will make them contractually binding.
The Following Should be Stated in the Clause:
- How long is your probation period?
- Any terms and conditions surrounding notice periods.
- Your discretionary right to extend your probation period.
- Most probation periods last 3 months. However, businesses sometimes choose to open them for 6 months or longer.
- The length of your probation period will depend on the following:
- The nature of the job.
- How long it takes for employees to understand the primary responsibilities?
- How long does it take to decide if they are suitable for the job?
- Managing employees on their probation.
- Even the most talented people can have a hard time if they don’t get the support and management they need.
- Create a well-thought-out induction program.
Your induction will help new employees get to grips with the organization’s goals and processes and the company’s behavioral norms.
Clear Your Expectations
So that they are clear about what you expect of them, it is essential to outline your expectations early.
Simple Targets
You can set targets to help you measure your performance.
However, ensure that these goals are realistic. Remember that employees will take time to learn about your business.
Take notes and reflect on the performance of your employees each week.
Reflecting on the employee’s weekly performance is a good idea, especially in the first month. You can also take notes and keep track of any problems you notice.
Regular Meetings with Employees
Regular catch-ups are an excellent idea to have with your new employee. This will allow you to assess their progress and ensure they meet your expectations. To ensure that they are clear about expectations and the next steps, email a discussion summary to your employee after each meeting.
Please let me know about your worries as soon as you can.
It can be challenging to communicate with your employees if they fail to meet their expectations. You will give them every opportunity to change things, if possible.
Keep Notes
Keep track of your progress and concerns during the probation period to prove any decisions made during or after the probation period.
Employee Rights in the Probationary Period
Probationary employees don’t have any fewer statutory rights than those who have completed probation and are still in their first two years.
They are entitled to the national maximum wage, time off by the Working Time Directive, and statutory sick pay.
They are also entitled to protection from unfair dismissal and unlawful discrimination. It is important to note that if you dismiss an employee while on probation, you must have evidence to show that your reasons are fair and not discriminatory.
An employee on probation with disabilities must be made reasonable accommodations to ensure they are not unlawfully discriminated against.
While employees on probation have the same rights as other employees, employers may reserve certain benefits (non-statutory), such as enhanced sick leave, until the employee completes their probation period.
Are you Required to Give Notice During Probation?
The employee and the employer must notify each other per the terms of the employment contract during the probation period.
This notice must be at least the statutory notice period for one week after the start of the first month.
If your employment contract specifies otherwise, you won’t be required to give notice for the first month.
Dismissing an Employee During the Probation Period
An employee can be fired at any time during probation, provided the clause is in your employment contract.
However, giving them time to improve before you dismiss them is essential.
The severity of the failure to meet your expectations and the extent of any attempts or signs of improvement will determine how long you give them.
If the employee still seems unqualified, you can invite them to a formal probation meeting.