- December 14, 2016
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Why a Muslim Migrant Kicked a German Woman Down the Stairs?

A security camera captured a video of an underground subway station in Berlin in the month of October 2016. The video showed a man kicked a woman down a flight of stairs. This alleged video was published by a German newspaper “Bild” in its report posted in the month of December 2016 and reported about senseless violence in the city. The Berlin Police Worker’s Party spokesperson informed the “Bild” newspaper that the abusing incident shows in a brutal and shocking way. It is showing how rapidly everyone in various cities can become a victim of senseless violence. He added that if we don’t get more police off the streets and create the essential pressure from judiciary for punishment, then it would generate more risk and our people need more powerful and strongest law to stop this kind of violation.
It is important that the attacker wasn’t mentioned in the original police report. A number of websites picked up this published video and shared it along with various claims. But, most websites shared the video without providing solid proof or video related additional information. Some websites claimed that a Muslim immigrant kicked a woman down the stairs. For example, the website “RightWingNews.com” also shared this video on 9th December 2016 caught on CCTV with a title “Just for Fun! Muslim Migrants Kick German Girl Down Flight of Stairs”. Point to be noted that since the video published, no one was arrested for this crime due to the attacker was unidentified. The German Police has announced on 12th December 2016 that they are investigating, but they didn’t mention about attacker as Muslim or Migrant.